Sustainability Report


“At Landes, we want to be part of the solution, offering different proteins for direct and indirect human consumption, fostering the circular economy, and improving our processes.

2022 was a good year for Landes in productive terms. As a company, we made great progress, the result of the effort, commitment, and professionalism of those working with us.”

Andrés Fosk
CEO, Landes

We bring the best
of the Chilean Sea to
35 countries on
four continents.

In 2022, we met
the standards of
our 115 clients.

We bought products and services from more than 1,400 national suppliers to make our operation possible.

We have 618 workers in our 5 production lines, and we also have 5 ships in 3 regions.

160 women were part of
Landes in 2022.

85% of our employees are unionized.

Our operation is based on the corporate policies of Equity, Environmental Care, and Operational Excellence.

We held 48 training programs for our workers in 2022.

We made 242 donations in 2022.

Operation and end products certified by 7 world-class standards.

61% of our raw materials are bought from artisanal and small-scale fishers.

104 million dollars distributed to our stakeholders.



For Landes, it has been key to transparently report our management. For this reason, we are presenting our Sustainability Report for 2022, to ratify our commitment to sustainability, incorporating real actions to contribute to global sustainable development efforts. 

Lines of Work 2022

In 2022, the work has focused on three main lines:


The company strengthened strategies to reuse, revalue, and recycle.


Effective plant management for optimal performance.


For the Company, equity has no gender, and work is being done to improve the quality of life of the workers, contractors, and communities. Respect for Human Rights is an essential part of our work and is included in our Code of Ethics as the basis of everything we do.

We bring seafood to thousands of people
around the world

In its fourth sustainability report, Landes shows the management of its impact on environmental, social, economic, and governance areas. The information addresses the company’s operations from January 1st to December 31st, 2022.

This report considers the companies Landes Talcahuano, Landes Mussels, and Circular Protein, which on December 30th, became independent entities that report to the holding company. However, this reorganization had no impact on the year’s work.

The report has been prepared following the Essential option of the Global Reporting Initiative’s Standards (GRI), which allows having standardized – material aspect – indicators, to measure a company’s degree of environmental and social responsibility considering its surroundings. The GRI standards are directly linked with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Landes Sustainability Report 2022 - Executive Summary